Business Story
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You should have a keen analytical sense and the ability to “ask why” says Sanjoy Chatterjee Co-Founder Ideal Analytics


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Ideal Analytics is an Indo-French Technology Joint Venture Company that has its Corporate HQ and Office in Kolkata, India and the European Office in Paris, France. It has other offices spread over the globe. Its close partners are spread in APAC countries and in USA and other cities of India.

Recently, Indiamanthan got a opportunity to talk with Sanjoy Chatterjee (Co-Founder, Director of the Board and CTO) of Ideal Analytics.  One thing we noticed that, if you have dreams you can do all the things.  It is not money but the dream that drives people says Sanjoy. It is very easy to tell that things are not working, but to execute the things and make it into reality takes lots of effort, that Sanjoy also did to make Ideal Analytics a global brand. Indiamanthan feels proud to have the discussion with Mr. Sanjoy.

Indiamanthan asked many questions and Sanjoy has given their point to point answers. During the conversation Sanjoy got emotional while asking the question about his Role Model. Their were many ups and downs came while conversation with Sanjoy.

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Here is a complete interview of Sanjoy Chatterjee with Indiamanthan.

• Would you like to share any important lessons you have learn in your life?

My colleagues joined me in this new start-up leaving their international lucrative gigs because they said they believed my dream. They still are with me and none of us are paid what other companies are willing to pay and yet they are fighting along.

I learnt it is not money but the dream that drives people, they follow you if they believe you and you share their dreams.

• Kindly brief us about yourself?

Being an engineering Master from IIT Kharagpur , I followed the oft beaten track till I realized I have a different dream- a dream to change the usual dreams of engineering graduates- a dream to make challenges a routine, a dream to plunge into newer vistas not leaving what i learnt but leveraging it and yet setting a new trend!

My camaraderie with my co-workers, the love and belief they reposed on me and the relationship that we build and rebuild incessantly reinforces my zeal as ever. I am redefining BI through Analytics into suggestive solution engineering walking along my comrades in our advents encompassing the entire gamut of the knowledge industry.

• What Are You Doing To Ensure that You Continue to Grow and Develop in your life?

Learning incessantly- learning new technology, new behaviour, new skills, new relations with co-workers and all those who come and share their wares with me, learning new style, language [like music] and humility continuously.

• What kind of essential qualities does a person require to become a successful leader?

Humility, ability to listen carefully, ability to respect and love others, ability to appreciate, ability to learn every moment, ability to question and yet to make small compromises yet to be committed to assurances, ability to gain trusts from others.

• What are your achievements that you are proud off?

That my friends and colleagues are still with me grinding along and are sharing my pains, pangs and have their shoulders ready for me to lean on. I am proud of the company that I built and keep till now.

• Are There Any Degrees/Certifications That You Recommend For Your Career?

Any degree that teaches rational logic sense, like Engineering, Science with a little mathematical tinge. What is required is the keen analytical sense and the ability to “ask why”?

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• What can professionals do on their own to help India become a developed country?

Pursue knowledge amelioration with discipline through forming constructive and cooperative help groups, user forums and knowledge sharing conglomerates.

• Who has most influenced you in your life so for and why?

On an individual basis my wife and my dainty little and most smart daughter and on a social basis my colleagues who assure me with their presence and assistance.

• Where Do You See Yourself In A Couple of Years From Now?

An evangelist for start-ups with recognitions – as a cooperative leader for budding corporates.

• Kindly tell us about your family background.

A triad of my better half and a smartest daughter, I share my life with my mother in my ancestral abode overseeing the Ganges.

• If anything you want to share with us apart from what we have asked.

A better leader is best made through being a better follower. Empowering people empowers a person. I am confident they feel they are.

• Can you tell us about a Role Model who Inspires you and why?

My colleagues, who helped me to build a winning team, and our co-founder, Late Mr. Sasanka Sekher Ghosh, who left me alone to talk my walk always however keeping an intent and yet apparently aloof-of-a-look.

• What are the Most Important Decisions that You Have made along the Way?

Leaving my cosy high flying job to plunge into this “adventure”.

• What are your thoughts on education system in India? What measures to be taken into consideration to improve its quality?

It has to be much more solution oriented and creatively directed. More of applications and more of research than mere instruction following.

• What Are Your Strongest Professional Skills/Attributes?

Updating myself on all latest technologies in the Information Scientific world. I keep myself upbraided with the innovations and creativities that come up every day in the knowledge and communication world!

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