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Ravi Subramanian: Bridging Banking and Thrilling Narratives


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In the vibrant landscape of Indian literature, Ravi Subramanian emerges as a singular voice, crafting enthralling narratives that delve into the captivating world of banking and finance. While distinguished as a seasoned banker, Subramanian has transcended his professional realm to become a celebrated bestselling author renowned for his suspenseful plots and gripping storytelling. Often hailed as the “Grisham of banking,” his novels have garnered widespread acclaim and earned him a devoted following.

Early Life and Professional Trajectory

Ravi Subramanian’s journey towards literary acclaim finds its roots in his academic and professional endeavours. A graduate of the esteemed Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) in 1993, he embarked on a nearly two-decade-long career in the financial services sector. Working with esteemed institutions such as Citibank, HSBC, and ANZ Grindlays, Subramanian honed his expertise in banking intricacies, laying the groundwork for his future literary endeavours.

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The Emergence of a Literary Career

While immersed in the complexities of banking, Subramanian’s passion for writing remained an abiding force. Drawing from his vast banking experiences, he ventured into the realm of fiction, infusing his narratives with insights gleaned from his professional life. This marriage of his love for storytelling and profound understanding of finance birthed the foundation of his literary career.

Notable Works and Literary Acclaim

Subramanian’s literary odyssey gained momentum with his debut novel, “If God Was a Banker,” published in 2007. This captivating work, exploring themes of financial intrigue and human ambition, garnered widespread recognition and set the stage for Subramanian’s ascent as a bestselling author.

Subsequent to his debut, he authored a series of successful novels delving into the thrilling dynamics of banking and finance, including titles such as “Devil in Pinstripes,” “The Incredible Banker,” and “The Bankster.” His acclaimed trilogy, comprising “The Incredible Banker,” “The Bankster,” and “Bankerupt,” solidified his reputation as a preeminent writer of banking thrillers.

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A distinguishing feature of Subramanian’s novels is his adeptness at seamlessly blending suspenseful storytelling with an insider’s knowledge of the financial world. Through his characters, he navigates intricate schemes, corporate politics, and moral dilemmas reflective of real-life banking scenarios.

Impact Beyond Novels

In addition to his achievements as a novelist, Ravi Subramanian is a prolific writer contributing popular columns to renowned magazines. His insights and perspectives on banking and the corporate landscape are regularly featured in The Economic Times, where he maintains a personal weekly column in the career and business life section.

Awards and Recognition

Subramanian’s literary contributions have garnered significant acclaim, with numerous awards and honours recognising his outstanding work. His debut novel, “If God Was a Banker,” earned him the prestigious Indiaplaza Golden Quill Book Award in 2008. Subsequently, he received the Crossword Book Award for “The Incredible Banker” in 2011 and “The Bankster” in 2012. His remarkable talent and compelling narratives have earned accolades from critics and readers alike.

A Family Legacy

Interestingly, literary talent runs in the Subramanian family. Ravi Subramanian’s daughter, Anusha Subramanian, became a published author at the remarkable age of 12, following in her father’s footsteps and continuing the family’s literary tradition.


Ravi Subramanian’s transition from the world of banking to the realm of literature underscores his exceptional storytelling prowess and his ability to bridge seemingly disparate domains. With each novel, he enriches the legacy of Indian thrillers, captivating readers with suspenseful plots while offering insightful glimpses into the intriguing world of banking and finance. Subramanian’s work serves as a compelling fusion of entertainment and education, making him a distinguished figure in contemporary Indian literature and leaving an enduring impact on readers worldwide.

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