Business Story
Business Story

An effort for enhanced Collaboration – Pradeep Hengavalli


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Started with a mission that every idea is treated worth an IPO.

IdeaCoE Benefits w Anitha
Ms. Anitha Pradeep (Co-Founder) – IDEACOE

This was a time when cloud computing was not perceived properly and the use of data was ill-defined.

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Built a platform for managing ideas with participation from experts and investors from all across the globe using Role based cloud concepts.

Various models like SAAS, PAAS, IAAS etc were being talked about while IdeaCOE came out with unique propositions for private and public clouds.

Was validated by none other than Mr. NRN and the meeting gave feathers to the belief that our products can be helping in various process collaborations within and outside business entities big and small.

Campaign management software was built and increasingly adopted during Karnataka State Elections for collaboration between candidates and party workers, which built a strong foundation for feature-based extensions to various applications on pay-per-use basis with the product/platform.

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In order to prove that we had a workable patent-pending basic process design involving initiators, refiners, subscribers and investors, we went ahead to building products like

  • Offering Management
  • Issue Management
  • Document Management
  • Suggestion Management
  • Flexible e-commerce etc.

To reach the unorganized market we set ourselves to work on clusters and in the process, secured technical agency role(recognized by the Government in State and Center) along with cluster-management software that we specially built for collaboration between GOVT, TA (Technical Agents), Cluster/SPV members and Expert community (Architects, Machine Builders, Process experts, etc.)

Subsequently, we introduced education-related collaboration products keeping in view the need for collaboration between industry and students/academia for various purposes like interest tracking, project identification, placement, course management etc.

So also, we went ahead proving multiple new business processes can be built for secure collaboration, speedily without losing scalability and rich content management, like emergency healthcare management, grievance handling and thought management

This brought us to a point where we had to maintain a balance between cluster and IT product selling. This is one of the most effective method by which adoption and proliferation of collaboration-products can happen – due to importance to real-life group dynamics that is brought about by the creation of SPVs for the clusters.

We have come up with Franchise Management based tools for effective user/application access management. We increasingly seek graduating students with entrepreneurial mindsets to take up product reselling and new product build initiatives. There by increasing their stake in future IDEACOE products. People who want to build Business Process Consulting & Re-engineering skills have ample scope to use our products directly or through our Franchise Network. So far we are self funded and look forward for excellent marketers who can take our products globally.  We are gearing up our systems to handle world class intent based Search mechanisms and Analytical capabilities for collaborative decision making.

This Article is written by Mr. Pradeep Hengavalli (Founder) & Anitha Pradeep (Co-Founder) – IDEACOE

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